In case you missed the discussion, following are a few comments posted on the General Aviation News website this week. Care to join conversation?
"Well Jamie you have hit the nail right on its head. I came into this world when FDR was president, yes FDR, most people will have to look that up," says Philip R Russo. "Unfortunately, I think it falls on deaf ears. The entitlement crowd just doesn’t get it. Worked 2 – 3 jobs most of my life, washed airplanes to get flying lessons. Saved when I could, spent only what I could afford, invested wisely. Physically active most of my life, ate good food and not to many bad habits, absolutely no drugs. 86 years old and still flying, biking, diving and riding my Harley. Korean war veteran. Read more…
Power Flows powers up production of new exhaust system for Cessnas
"Is there any hope for ever seeing a system for the Continental powered C150/152?" asks Kenneth Hetge. "These little guys would benefit tremendously from a little “extra juice”!" Read more…
Cessna 172 pilot confused by ATC request
"Still surprised ATC didn’t just command a “go around”, a much clearer instruction to a low time or ‘rusty’ pilot," says Jim Denike. In response, fleyerco said, "This would’ve been the correct thing to do. While I’m concerned a pilot doesn’t know what a LA is, unless they ask for one, they shouldn’t be given one. Also the tower apparently never canceled clearance to land. The fact ATC didn’t have them phone in/notify FAA, tells me ATC know they screwed up." Read more…
6 Most Common Private Pilot Checkride Failures
Checkrides can be intimidating, especially your first one. But knowing the common problem areas helps you prepare and pass. Read more…
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