While I agree that it sure seems like a lot of airplanes are running out of gas, to be honest, I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often. And the reason for that boils down to two issues: First, there’s no way to know how much gas you have in your tanks, and second, there’s no way to know how much gas you’ll need for your flight.
Called Affordable Paths for Launching Your Aviation Career, the free course includes 15 lessons, including information about the various scholarships available and best practices for creating a winning application, in-depth explanations of military assistance programs for enlisted personnel, and information about other tools and resources that are available to both aspiring and current pilots.
The completed runway project is far from the last update for the airport. It is expected to receive $7 million in federal and local funding over the next several years to update its layout plan and to install up to 12 new hangars, city officials reported.