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FAA Safety Team – New Animation @ Runway Safety Simulator

New Animation @ Runway Safety Simulator
Notice Number: NOTC0078

The FAA is happy to release the newest animation to the Runway Safety Pilot Simulator (  This animation, “The Anatomy of a Wrong Surface Event” is the first in a three part series focusing on causal factors for wrong surface events, such as the incorrect runway or taxiway approaches, landings, or departures.  Specifically, this episode highlights the importance of guarding against certain human factors and maintaining situational awareness.  Stay tuned for the second episode coming this summer!

We continue to make improvements based on valuable feedback from airmen like you.  Another recent improvement is the addition of several pertinent Advisory Circulars and SAFOs. The publications are located in the Resources Tab on the Runway Safety Simulator.

Get your Runway Safety Pilot Simulator WINGS credit today!  Click Here: Runway Safety Simulator – ALC-573

Fly Safe,

Nick DeLotell

FAA Commercial Operations Branch

[email protected]

(609) 485-9500