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FAAST Blast — NTSB Safety Alerts, CFIT/Automation Overreliance, The Arthropod’s Revenge

Notice Number: NOTC0018


NTSB Issues Two New Safety Alerts
The National Transportation Safety Board recently issued two new Aviation Safety Alerts (SA). SA-080 ( alerts pilots and mechanics to “stay in the groove” and check the integrity of aircraft ignition switches. The SA warns that over time, key-type ignition switches and associated keys can become worn such that it is possible to remove the key from a switch position other than the OFF position. This can result in switch positioning errors and an unintended engine start. An accompanying video is available here:

SA-081 ( reminds pilots of how critical it is to properly maintain engine failures in multi-engine aircraft, especially at low altitudes. The SA urges pilots to be thoroughly familiar with the recommended procedures and checklists for one engine inoperative operations — particularly the memory checklist items — in the airplane flight manual and pilot operating handbook. Be sure to also check out the FAA’s FlySafe fact sheet on Vmc (minimum control airspeed with critical engine inoperative) here:

FlySafe — CFIT/Automation Overreliance
Technological advances in situational awareness have dramatically reduced the number of GA Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) accidents. However, the General Aviation Joint Steering Committee (GAJSC) has found that reliance on automation is a precursor to CFIT events. Awareness of automation limitations and pilot proficiency in flying with and without automation are key to safe flight operations. See our fact sheet for more tips on how to cope with distractions here: To see the most current versions of all our #FlySafe fact sheets, arranged by topic, go to The Arthropod’s Revenge!
The fuselage is like an aircraft’s skeleton. And just like any skeleton, its faults and failures can be at best disabling, and at worst crippling. To learn more about your fuselage and how to detect flaws before they become problems, read the article “The Arthropod’s Revenge: How the Airplane’s Fuselage Has More in Common With Bugs Than Birds” here: Check out the entire issue at


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