Roby Denman submitted these photos and a note: "I was fortunate to fly Crazy Horse 1 at Stallion 51 in Kissimmee, Florida, with Ed Shipley on a previous visit. On this subsequent visit I asked if I could bring my 1947 PA-12 into the hangar for some pictures with Crazy Horse 1 and Crazy Horse 2 and they were very accommodating — to me and my Cub, the best and most fun plane I’ve ever owned. My thanks for wonderful memories! Next goal: Some time with Lee Lauderback in Crazy Horse 2."
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If the engine is manufacturing metal, this simple check will give you enough information to make a decision as to whether the engine actually does have a serious problem.
Aircraft deliveries were up 6% in 2022, with billings topping $26.8 billion, according to the latest report from the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA).
A recent "Ask the Industry" poll by the Aircraft Electronics Association finds that 83.5% of repair stations are hiring technicians now or will need to hire more people later in 2023.
The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) will hold its inaugural Learn to Fly Week May 15-20, 2023, with five days of free webinars, as well as in-person Flying Start events.
This aircraft started following very closely, getting to a point where it was unsafe and I felt like he was trying to hit us.