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Fwd: Risk mitigation 101

Subject: Risk mitigation 101

What do honeybees have in common with pilots?

Picture of the Day: Evening flight home

John Memmer submitted this photo and note: "Sunset from 8,500 feet just southwest of Piedmont Triad International Airport (KGSO) in Greensboro, N.C., on the way home to Greenville Downtown Airport (KGMU) in South Carolina in my 1963 A55 Baron."

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Risk mitigation 101

How did a fatal mid-air collision happen? The answer to that question is not casual query. In a very real sense, our lives depend on finding the likely answer and including that knowledge in our future flying.

What do honeybees have in common with pilots?

They both fly, of course, but a new study finds that honeybees navigate the same way the earliest pilots navigated: By following landmarks on the landscape below — sometimes referred to IFR: I follow roads.

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