Celebrating Carroll Joye
Orangeburg Municipal Airport invites all aviation enthusiasts to celebrate SC Aviation Hall of Fame Inductee and former airport director Carroll Joye. The airport is being renamed in Carroll’s honor in a ceremony presented by the Orangeburg City Council on Thursday, September 21, at 2:30 pm.
A Friends & Family fly-in celebration honoring Carrol will be held on Saturday, September 30 from 10 am – 1 pm.
Orangeburg Municipal Airport
1811 Airport Road
Orangeburg, SC 29115
FAASTeam Seminar
Friday, September 22, 2023 • 1:00 pm
Tripel Tree Aerodrome – Learning Center
330 Mary Hanna Road
Woodruff, SC 29388
Preflight After Maintenance
This presentation acquaints the audience with maintenance-related problems found to be at the root of some of the most deadly causes of accidents in aviation. Contributing to this is a pilot’s failure to identify maintenance discrepancies because if lack of knowledge and improper techniques used during the preflight of the aircraft.
Register at FAASafety.gov
FAASTeam Seminar
Saturday, September 30, 2023 • 9:00 am
Greenville Downtown Airport – East Ramp
1 Aviation Lane
Hangar #1
Greenville, SC 29607
Interactive Aircraft Maintenance and Pre-Flight Workshop
If you are an aircraft owner, renter or are considering an aircraft purchase, then you won’t want to miss this interactive workshop. We’ll cover critical airworthiness issues, aircraft engine ignition basics, experimental aircraft & transponder pitot-static tests and aircraft propeller balancing.
Register at FAASafety.gov
Triple Tree Fly-In Happening Now! September 18-24, 2023
The annual Triple Tree Fly-In has turned into a “can’t miss” event on everyone’s Fly-In Calendar. Aviators from across the globe anxiously await the Fall to make the annual pilgrimage to our manicured 7,000-foot grass runway to experience one of the fastest-growing general aviation events in the country. Tickets are still available at the gate.
Click here for more information.
Spartanburg Community Aviation Program events this month
September 24 – Airport Design and Construction – 1 pm
October 1 – Flight to Hickory, North Carolina
Click here for more information.
The Santee Cooper Regional Airport Celebration is Postponed
The Aviation Celebration scheduled to be held at the Santee Cooper Regional Airport on Saturday, September 23, 2023, has been postponed due to the increasing potential for inclement weather from a sub-tropical system expected to form off of the East Coast. Airport leadership expresses their gratitude to those who graciously agreed to participate in this celebration and hopes you will take a “rain check” and join in when the celebration is rescheduled in the spring of 2024.
South Carolina Breakfast Club
Every other Sunday, since 1938, pilots and aviation enthusiasts meet for breakfast in South Carolina airports. There are no dues or meeting requirements. Fly in or drive to the airport, belly up, and talk aircraft, aviation or anything else. This event is free to attend, and breakfast is typically $6-10 per plate.
* Events are subject to cancelation. Please check the organization’s website for the latest update if you plan to attend an event.*
Upcoming Events
October 1 @ Kershaw County Airport – Woodward Field (CDN)
Rusty Pilots Seminar – October 7, 9 am – 12:30 pm
You might be like more than 500,000 other pilots (that’s right, half a million), who have taken a little breather from flying. The good news is that getting back to flying is easier than you think.
Free for AOPA Members
$89 for non-members
Myrtle Beach Academy of Aviation
Myrtle Beach International Airport (MYR)
3301 Mustang St, Hangar 352
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Click here for more information.
Warbird Static Aviation Event – October 7-8, 2023 · 10 am – 5 pm
This annual event is your opportunity to see historic planes up close and even pay to ride in one. B-17, P40, T6s, T28, CH47, Lakota, UH58C, and more will be there. Food and fun and free to attend…what a weekend!
Runway Cafe at GMU
21 Airport Road Extension
Greenville, SC 29607
SC Historic Aviation Foundation Open House – October 14, 2023 · 10 am – 1 pm
On the second Saturday of each month, the SC Historic Aviation Foundation hosts an Open House. The October theme is Civil Air Patrol.
Jim Hamilton – LB Owens Airport – Hangar Y
1400 Jim Hamilton Blvd.
Columbia, SC 29205
Have an event you want to share? Email details to [email protected].