In case you missed the discussion, following are a few comments posted on the General Aviation News website this week. Care to join conversation?
"My impression is the article was not about speculating about the cause of the accident or debating the pros and cons of electronic devices, but rather to get pilots to do some homework BEFORE departure. Ironically Steve Krog has a good article in the latest Sport Aviation magazine entitled “Where Does a Good Landing Begin?” on that same subject," says Dale L. Weir. "I have learned from experience (and with help from CFR 14 91.103) to study all I can find about the destination airport, even if I was just there the day before. Thanks to Jamie for another great article…” Read more…
Video provides early analysis of Winter Haven mid-air collision
"Will the FAA ever admit that the false sense of security and added distraction ADS-B causes contribute to these tragic events?" asks Earl Tuggle Sr. "Probably not. Perhaps the NTSB eventually will. We do know that recorded radio communications indicate the Warrior instructor was convinced her aircraft was the only plane in the area, because her electronics told her so. Unfortunately, heads-down distraction from electronics and lack of visual awareness are the main contributing factor we will continue to see as instructors become less experienced and the FAA’s push to ADS-B dependence becomes more expansive." Read more…
Hand propping procedure goes awry
"Hand propping when done properly is no more dangerous than flying itself…. been doing it since I was a teenager," says Ethan Hausler. "Pay attention to what your doing. As with anything, people get complacent. I once saw a very seasoned pilot prop a super cub with the throttle wide open after clearing a flooded engine. It took a hard right as he grabbed the wing strut in an effort to get to the cabin. Literally flew into the FBO building doing some serious damage to both plane and building. Luckily none one but the pilots pride was hurt." Read more…
How To Make A Perfect Crosswind Takeoff
Crosswind on takeoff might not seem like that big of a deal. But if you don’t add in corrections, you could end up skipping down, or off, the runway. Nobody wants that to happen. Read more…
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