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Fwd: Is it legal for two planes to be on the same runway at the same time?

Picture of the Day: Is this Heaven?

Megan Vande Voort sent in this photo with a note: "The B-25 'Lady Luck' watches the kids of Mason City, Iowa's, Third Thursday engage in their monthly baseball game. Brings to mind the famous quote from the 1989 film Field of Dreams: 'Is this Heaven? No, it's Iowa.'"

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Is it legal for two planes to be on the same runway at the same time?

Not every facet of non-towered airports operations has been addressed by the FAA. That leaves some things in a solid gray area and open to interpretation. One of these gray areas: Can two planes legally occupy the same runway at the same time?

Volunteers work together to open 23W to the public

Over the last three years, Recreational Aviation Foundation Director Jeff Russell got grants from RAF for airfield improvements, as well as organizing work parties at the field to get it into shape to fit the requirements of a public-access airport.

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On the 80th anniversary of the first graduating class of Tuskegee Airmen, the Red Tail Flight Academy graduated its class of 2022.


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The fourth edition of the guide is designed to prepare aviation mechanic applicants for the FAA Aviation Mechanic General, Airframe, and Powerplant Oral and Practical Exams.

Mechanic’s failure fatal for two

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