For the next few days, we are offering $40-off our Advanced IFR online course.
This course follows instructor Ryan Koch through a series of IFR flights, where he demonstrates techniques and procedures that pros use for next level Instrument flying.
Ryan explains, then demonstrates the following:
- Tower Enroute Control (TEC) Routes
- Diverse Vector Areas at Non-towered Airports
- Custom Waypoints in a GPS Flight Plan (under IFR)
- Graphical ODPs
- Complex Textual ODPs
- Departing No-IAP Airports
- Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs)
- Published Visual Climbs Over Airport (VCOA)
- Best Practices For Negotiating With ATC
- Vertical Navigation With GPS and Autopilot
- Traps With Unpublished Descent Gradients
- Standard Terminal Arrivals (STARs)
- Cold Temperature Restrictions
- Contact Approaches
- Radius-to-fix (RF) Legs On Approaches
- Hybrid GPS-Localizer Approaches
- Circling Approach Survival Secrets
- GPS Use On Localizer Back Courses
- Localizer Directional Aids (The “other” ILS)
- Taxi Hot Spots
- And more…
This program will give you a deeper understanding of the IFR system, and how to work it more effectively.
Hit the blue-button above to learn more.
Mark Robidoux,