In case you missed the discussion, following are a few comments posted on the General Aviation News website this week. Care to join conversation?
The kids outside the fence: Tango Thirty One Aero Clube
"I confess that I was prepared to skate thru this story because of my dislike of “Airplane Repo”. (I always wondered how they could film that and maintain straight faces.) This story, however, has turned me around about Kevin," admits Larry Nelson. "Thank you for what you do. I was an airport kid in the early 60’s. My first time in an airplane was my first lesson in an Aeronca Champ. There are kids out there with the passion for aviation. Keep up the good work, sir.” Read more…
Not your granddad’s hot spot
"Wow., Jamie…..valiant effort to explain the unfathomable. The link in the story to Hot Spots goes to an FAA site, with a good video that explains the changes," says Jim in TN. "As stated on that site, “Beginning May 19, 2022, the FAA will standardize these symbols to three shapes with two distinct meanings: a circle or ellipse for ground movement hot spots and a cylinder for wrong surface hot spots.” Cylinder…what the heck is that…oh, it’s the elliptical, race track shaped outline. Well that’s clear." Read more…
VFR into IMC leads to crash for student pilot
"I’m surprised that he saw the mountains before he hit them. I learned to fly in that area and it’s littered with General Aviation aircraft," says William Hunt. "The area between Morristown and Elizabethton is right down the middle of the Tennessee Valley, but it narrows some approaching Elizabethton. TRI is not far from Elizabethton. It’s got an TSRA with good approach/departure facilities. I’m wondering what his altitude was. TRI would have kept him out of trouble." Read more…
Why You Experience Turbulence When Flying Through A Cloud
You're flying toward a puffy cumulus cloud and out of habit, your natural instinct is to tighten your seatbelt. It may seem like a simple question, but have you ever wondered why clouds can be so bumpy? Read more…
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